Structured Routing and Performance Evaluation of MANETs Protocols in WSN

Structured Routing and Performance Evaluation of MANETs Protocols in WSN

A new overlay routing (ScatterDHT) uses the DHT technology applied for Wireless Sensor Network, and performance evaluation of MANET protocols on WSN

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 26.08.2010 )

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This book presents ScatterDHT, a routing overlay explicitly designed for WSNs. ScatterDHT exploits the P2P functionality features and applies them over the ScatterWeb sensor nodes. The first part of this book describes the ScatterDHT overlay routing and figures out the performance evaluation of the implemented prototype. The second part gives a detailed study of performance evaluation of two MANETs proactive routing protocols (B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR) over the WSN. This work has been achieved to give a comprehensive performance evaluation on the characteristics of the chosen routing protocols. Results show that ScatterDHT outperforms the other protocols considering a few important metrics in the wireless sensor network. It has a higher delivery ratio than B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR for all network sizes (5 Nodes, 10 Nodes, 50 Nodes, 100 Nodes, 200 Nodes). It also outperforms the other protocols regarding the metric Control Traffic Overhead. The most important metric where Scatter-DHT outperforms other ones, is the energy consumption. Since the control traffic overhead generated by ScatterDHT is less than others, it is obvious that it requires less energy consumption.

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By (author) :

Abd Albasset Almamou

Nombre de pages:


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