Instauration d'Oracle Warehouse Management System

Instauration d'Oracle Warehouse Management System

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 21.11.2018 )

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To improve its logistic service which plays a vital role for all the activity, INWI opted in the institution of Oracle Warehouse Management System. This system is going to allow the coverage the management and the configuration of the resources of warehouses, the distribution of the tasks, the flexible methodologies of taking, the handling and the control advanced by the goods (including the management of the serial numbers), the status of the goods, the advanced control of lots and series, as well as the environments of handling of the goods were strongly automated. As all other information systems, the setting-upof Oracle WMS led the appearance of new abnormalities and evolutions. These abnormalities are corrected by the service of information systems by means of The MOA. This system must also be capable of developing, according to the future needs of the body. And so The MOA), expresses needs intendeds and the evolutions to communicate them with the service

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By (author) :

Abdellatif Bani

Nombre de pages:


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Informatics, IT