Aspects of pulaar Syntax

Aspects of pulaar Syntax

Morpho-syntax of Pronouns and Relative Clauses

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 20.01.2017 )

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This book provides a few aspects of Pulaar morpho-syntax. The first chapter gives a descriptive account of Pulaar pronouns. Specifically, I examine the different pronominal paradigms in Pulaar and explore their morpho-syntax and semantics. In the second chapter, I show that Headed Relative Clauses (RC) and Factive Clauses have similar structure in sense that they have a similar word order and in all of them the complementizer agrees with the (null or overt) head NP in Spec,CP and is homophonous with the determiner. In this regard, the slight difference is that the Headed Relative has an overt head noun whereas Factives have null head nouns. Moreover, the verb has the same form both in Headed Relatives and Factive Relatives and it undergoes the same agreement pattern. Furthermore, the Headed Relative and Factives in Pulaar all exhibit island conditions in that extraction out of either constructions; which indicates that they all involve movements of some sort, as shown in the analysis.The Headed Relative and Factive Relatives are derived in similar ways along the lines of Kayne(1994).

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By (author) :

Ibrahima Ba

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General and comparative linguistics