Translation process and translated texts are confronted the new aspect in 20th century which is considered mostly in the patronage framework and ideological grill work of the target language. Through translation, the translator has the text translated through ideological aspects and forms of the target language, therefore, the terms and even the patterns of the source text are faced with manipulations which are inevitable. To have these factors considered in the process of the translation, even macro-element factors in translation of the source texts and translated texts can be taken into consideration. To reveal the significant role of the manipulation overshadowed by ideological aspects and patronage network, the case study of the novel "1984" written by Gorge Orwell has been chosen by the researcher to have the contrastive analysis by its Persian translated texts to find out different ideological manipulations considering both micro and macro element factors. Consequently, the outcome of the manipulated terms are in two various categories: A) The ideological terms in interpretive novels B) The clauses which involve figures of speech.

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By (author) :

Masoud Hassanzade Novin

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Political sociology