Impact of Climate Change on Mountain Glaciers - A Data Driven Analysis

Impact of Climate Change on Mountain Glaciers - A Data Driven Analysis

An application of data driven analysis to investigate a complex system

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 09.09.2016 )

€ 55,90

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Data driven analysis can reveal truth about any system which may not be found by other methods. One such question is impact of climate change on mountain glaciers. Mountain glaciers are important freshwater resources and they supply melt-water to many river systems. Mass balance, the difference between accumulation (mass gain) and ablation (mass loss), is a numerical indicator of glacier melt. This work reconstructs glacier mass balance time series and determines their periodic rates of mass loss to investigate how glaciers with different morphological features respond to climate change. As a data driven analysis approach, this work discusses the steps of defining a system, identifying its parameters, acquiring appropriate data and analyzing them. Thus the work investigates the issue applying scientific method, computational models, data analysis and statistics. The domain is meant for readers who are interested in climate change and glaciers. However, this book is meant for anyone who wants to investigate a complex system and bring the data driven analysis approach to it. The book can be read by any reader from science, industry or social system.

Détails du livre:







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By (author) :

Sovik Kumar Nath

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



General Natural Sciences