The process of domestication of African economic agreements

The process of domestication of African economic agreements

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 18.07.2016 )

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Regional economic integration has played a central role in the development of African Countries since the era of independence reflected in the slogans of different leaders, which called for the liberation and unification of the continent. Even though it was the driving force of the first Panafricanists, it could not be fully realised due to different issues such as war, conflicts, unqualified personnel and financial problems. It is in this regard that the Organisation of African Unity in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) developed a promising framework which could bring together all African Countries and move them closer to an African Economic Community by the year 2000 through the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos. The law has an important role to play in any kind of economic integration all over the word. The experience of the European Union can help us to see the way forward for the African Economic Community. This book focuses on the role of African economic agreements, and its place at national level through domestication process.

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By (author) :

Jean de Dieu Zikamabahari
Titien Habumugisha

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Law, Occupation, Finances