Methodology to country risk analysis

Methodology to country risk analysis

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 06.03.2018 )

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The book entitled Methodology to country risk analysis is a chef oeuvre of academics who want to contribute to this untapped area from an African perspective. For many years, the discipline of country risk was belonging to the category of issues that are difficult to understand because information was fragmented or incomplete. For example, Banks knew neither the size of their loan exposure or to which countries they had lent. Corporations and investors had neither the information nor the means to assess the risks lurking in the shadows of seemingly profitable cross border transactions. Country risk was considered an opaque, unpleasant fact of life better left in the hands of international bodies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the export credit agencies. However, in today’s global economy wired to the World Wide Web, all this has changed. Information has become abundant, cheap and almost instantaneous as countries compete in transparency to attract foreign direct investment and portfolio capital. The problem is no longer a lack of timely information. It is rather one of deciding which information is important and then knowing how to process it.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Alain Ndedi
Florence Nisabwe

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



L'enseignement politiques et politiques et Sciences Politiques