Strategies and Processes for School Health Promotion Practice

Strategies and Processes for School Health Promotion Practice

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 01.02.2018 )

€ 59,90

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There is documented evidence that a healthy child is able to achieve better educational outcomes compared to a child with poor health. Health and education are inextricably linked. Healthy children have an increased learning capacity that yields positive grades. Healthy children are able to adopt healthy behaviours and withstand health risks that are related to the school and home environments. The school and home environment should complement each other’s efforts in creating a healthy environment to enhance the quality of life of the school child. School health promotion increases the capacity of teachers and parents in promoting the health of the school child. Teachers have the responsibility to act as positive role models in current and future health behaviours and are included in this process so as to increase their responsibility to act as positive role models in current and future health behaviours This book provides frameworks, strategies, activities and ideas for policy makers, programme managers, teachers and other organizations involved in promoting the health of the school child within the context of a developing country guided by international frameworks.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Dr. Julita Chideme- Maradzika

Nombre de pages:


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