At the Gates of Modern Babylon

At the Gates of Modern Babylon

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 23.03.2018 )

€ 54,90

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The Bible prophecies specify that a modern city with empire in the likeness of classical Babylon – the mightiest and most influential city of the ancient world – having great wealth, charisma, military might, and extensive royal and diplomatic connections with the presidents and Heads of State of the world that she will dominate, will arise in the end-times. This city is pre-destined to also control the beast – the entity destined to rule the world in the end-times. More importantly, it is a great city that will start as a chaste entity in the eyes of God and man as her empire rises to global domination, till she falls from God’s standards and begin to lead people to rally against God’s principles, godly values and God’s people. This book presents startling prophetic insights and truths to make people aware that Babylon the Great City specified in the Revelation of Jesus will never remain a mystery again because the world currently lives under its dispensation and domination. At least, knowing the true identity of modern Babylon and the roles this great city is destine to play will help people to redefine the spiritual or moral boundaries that they need to depart from.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Longmatey Tetteh

Nombre de pages:


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