Appropriateness of warehousing system on smallfarmers'perspectives

Appropriateness of warehousing system on smallfarmers'perspectives

Evidence From The "Réseau des Caisses Populaires du Burkina Faso"

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 17.09.2015 )

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The goal of this study was to get insight main bottlenecks or constraints faced by small farmers involved in the maize value chain through the warehousing system as implemented by RCPB, in order to propose possible solutions like to overcome these issues. Our findings indicate that small farmers face different constraints, which are found to be before, during and after the production cycle among them, one can cite the production condition and the marketing aspects. They have limited resources as working capital to exploit entire productive capacity of their field. Due to this, the findings have also shown that the production cost is very high for the farmers’ perspectives. This is, therefore, the consequences of poor relationships and weak organization level of actors involved in the WRS. The lack of an efficient storage infrastructure is another important factor. Consequently, most farmers sell their harvest at very cheap prices.Interestingly, findings have shown also that producers have recognized the benefit of the WRS in ensuring food security (smoothing consumption).

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Adolphe Kankisingi Sadiki

Nombre de pages:


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Droit, Profession, Finances