The management of electoral campaign by congolese political parties

The management of electoral campaign by congolese political parties

Case study of the Union for Congolese Nation (UNC) during 2011 general elections

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 15.02.2018 )

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«After several years of observing election campaigns in different countries and different regions of the world, as well as extensive reading, teaching and publishing on various aspect of innovations in campaigning and changing trends for the way campaigns are run in media-centered democracies, the time had come to investigate these dynamics from a global perspective. » (Plasser, 2002) Contrary to the above statement, in the context of this study, after having studied, read and followed the conduct of the electoral campaigns from a global point of view, the time has come to analyze this question from a local point of view. To win an election, it is necessary to have a clear strategy and a minimum of organization. In a country like the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has a multitude of political parties, running an electoral campaign and winning an election is a real challenge. The choice of the Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC) is justified by my interest in understanding the strategy and management of the electoral campaign by a young political party that is not in power.

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de (auteur) :

Janvier Ngambwa Ngongo

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Sciences politiques