Reading Cook-Lynn

Reading Cook-Lynn

Anti-Colonialism, Cultural Resistance, and Native Empowerment

Editions universitaires europeennes ( 14.09.2017 )

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This work is an intellectual history and cultural study of Cook-Lynn‘s scholarship and other writings. Most scholars who discuss United States imperialism often prioritize its overseas activities and reduce the colonization of Indian nations to a non-issue. Cook-Lynn, a Native academic and activist, equates U.S. domestic imperialism with the destruction of Indian lives and cultures, refuting the idea that the United States subdued indigenous nations for their own good. A staunch believer in Indian sovereignty, Cook-Lynn holds that Indian treaties established elementary principles of sovereignty and possessory rights for American tribal nations and opposes U.S. strategy to incorporate Indian treaty rights and land ownership into the ethnic heap of multiculturalism. Seeking to rekindle Indian nationalism and ensure the continuance of Indian nations, Cook-Lynn‘s activist oeuvre advocates for their cultural, political, and social relevance and challenges claims of Indian irrelevance in American history. Cook-Lynn deploys a resistance discourse to the U.S. culture of imperialism to strategize Indian empowerment and advocate for the sovereignty of tribal governance.

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de (auteur) :

Kodjo Afagla

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